Robocopp Wearable security alarm review

Robocopp grenade wearable security alarm review and giveaway
Robocopp grenade wearable security alarm review and giveaway

I can count the number of times I’ve sung in public on one hand. There was that time at Primary School when I first realised my vocal chords weren’t up to much. Then there was my own wedding when the chaplain was standing so close I couldn’t really get away with miming.

And then there was the bear incident in Yosemite.

Dar Dhiafa, Djerba Island, Tunisia
The closest you will EVER get to seeing me sing! At Dar Dhiafa on Djerba island, Tunisia.

It was our own fault really.

Despite good intentions, my friend Kayna and I had failed to set off early for our hike up Half Dome. In true student fashion, we hadn’t really contemplated that a late start inevitably meant finishing in the dark. We dawdled by the waterfalls and ate a leisurely lunch in the forest, before tackling the iron rung ladder to finish the job. Basking in the afternoon sun, we commented on how great it was being out here alone. Everyone else had headed back to camp long ago. Bliss.

Half Dome, Yosemite
Celebrating a successful ascent of Half Dome, Yosemite, in the days when I wore headscarves. Now we just had to get down….

It wasn’t until we were about half way down that we began to realise our folly. Our high spirits dwindled as the sky darkened and the shadows lengthened. There was just one thing on our minds now.


We’d read the warnings and knew the dangers, yet still a few more hours in bed had seemed more important. I remembered my parents recounting tales of backwoods camping in Sequoia National Park and the bear that came scuffling around their tent at night. The thought both awed and terrified me, but I hadn’t really heeded the warning. After all, it would never happen to me, right?

Half Dome, Yosemite
The woods on the way up Half Dome felt friendly and safe…what a difference a bit of day makes!

As we still had a few hours to go until we reached the valley floor, we decided to run for as long as we could still see the path. I can count the number of times I’ve run on one hand too! Soon however the forest became pitch black. There was just us, the trees and the bears. We hadn’t yet seen one but knew they were there. Absolutely terrified by now, we frantically tried to remember what to do should we be attacked. We didn’t have any bells or whistles, and not wanting to startle any bears we decided to sing. Loudly.

If that didn’t repel a bear than nothing would!

I put aside my embarrassment and for the next couple of hours we belted out ‘California Dreamin’ over and over again. I didn’t know the words to anything else. To be honest, it became apparent I didn’t really know these either.

We eventually made it down to camp, breathing sighs of relief and exhaustion as we reckoned we’d just been scared about nothing. Yet emerging from the trees we were met by one of the park rangers marching purposefully in our direction. He was armed with a gun and a huge Alsatian dog, and had a concerned look on his face.

You girls do know you’ve just been followed down the trail by a bear?!

It didn’t occur to me until years later that what we should have taken with us was a wearable security alarm, or warning siren.

The Robocopp Grenade

The lovely folks over at Robocopp recently sent me one of their Grenades to try out.

Robocopp grenade wearable security alarm review and giveaway
The Robocopp Grenade

Nope, not the sort that blows big holes in things, but the latest wearable security alarm on the market. I was a bit dubious at first. Why would I need one of these? I’m not in the habit of being attacked.

Yet when I thought about it, the Robocopp Grenade is actually the perfect accompaniment to any travel arsenal.

Not only can it deter would-be attackers or burglars, it also signals to others that you need help if you’re lost or stranded. Or, perhaps more importantly for me, it repels aggressive animals. I’m not big on animals. Goldfish is as far as I’ve ever gone with pets – I once spent a day up a tree because I was scared of a dog! And don’t get me started on monkeys. Ubud Monkey Forest I’m looking at you!

Ubud Monkey Forest, Bali
Visiting the Ubud Monkey Forest is like running a gauntlet of teeth and menace. The devils use their cute babies to lure you in!!!

Pepper or Bear spray has traditionally been used to deter unwanted beasties, but this is now seen as harmful to both animals and humans. Some research even indicates the chemicals in Bear Spray can actually attract them! Say what???

I’d use the Robocopp Grenade in the great outdoors too. I’m often out in the hills or kayaking on the lakes and whilst I’ve been fortunate to avoid major calamity so far, I’m sure the day will come when I genuinely need to attract help. We have whistles, but they’re not half as effective as the Robocopp wearable security alarm. And if I’m stranded on an icy mountainside with a broken leg, or clinging to a drifting canoe in the freezing water, I know which I’d prefer to have on me!

Robocopp Grenade wearable security alarm kayak
Using the Robocopp Grenade in the great outdoors

Just like a grenade, to activate the wearable security alarm (which is as loud as an ambulance at 120 decibels!) you simply pull out the pin! How cool is that? It carries on sounding for half an hour, unless you replace the pin to shut it up if help has arrived or you’ve pulled it out by accident.

Sorry neighbours and everyone in my street!

Robocopp grenade wearable security alarm review and giveaway
Pulling the pin on the Robocopp grenade

It’s small enough to unobtrusively put on a key chain or bag strap, and hardly weighs anything either (less than 1oz) so you don’t even notice it when you’re out and about. Even better it comes in blue, my favourite colour. Who says girls shouldn’t choose based on that alone! Batteries are included and last about a year depending on use, and can easily be changed.

Of course, these safety devices are perfect for use on your home turf too, not just when you’re away travelling. If you’re walking home late at night in the dark, heading through rough areas of the city, or even if you’re worried about being hassled by an ex-partner, it could give you peace of mind to have a security alarm handy. Should something go wrong and you end up being threatened or attacked, having an alarm might just be your saving grace. Remember to always report the incident, no matter how it happened or when it occurred. If you’re wondering can I claim compensation for historical abuse, the answer may be yes, so don’t feel like you can’t ask just because it happened a while ago.

I’ve never thought of myself as vulnerable, and have always had an over-inflated sense of my own strength (according to hubbie!). So until now I’ve never considered I’d be the proud owner of what was once simply known as a ‘rape alarm’. Yet when I think of all the times it would have come in useful on our travels, and sometimes in my home area too, I realise I should have bought one years ago. Just think of all the pesky monkeys, rabid dogs and sweaty men I could have walked amongst without being afraid.

Now I wonder if it works with spiders…

Robocopp Grenade wearable security alarm GIVEAWAY

Being the caring person that I am I want to keep all my lovely readers safe on their travels. I’m thrilled that the Robocopp team have come up trumps and are offering a Robocopp Grenade wearable security alarm to give away to one lucky reader!

Giveaway now closed.

Worldwide entries welcome.

To Enter

It couldn’t be simpler.

It couldn’t be simpler.

Just enter on the Rafflecopter widget below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The prize will be dispatched directly from Robocopp.

Open to a worldwide audience.

Terms and conditions

No purchase is necessary to enter or win. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning. The item is a Robocopp Grenade wearable security alarm. The Grenade is not refundable or exchangeable for cash. This competition is open to a worldwide audience. The giveaway will run for 2 weeks and end at midnight on Monday 30th November 2015. The winner will be determined on or around the 30th November 2015 by a random drawing of eligible entries received. Your chances of winning are determined by the number of eligible entries. Winners must respond within a week of receiving the notification email, otherwise another winner will be chosen.

Thanks to Robocopp for providing a complimentary Grenade for me to review and also one for the giveaway. As always, words and opinions remain my own.

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  1. says: Bell

    Love this post!! Glad you made it down to the valley that one night though 🙂

    We were just up at Whistler in BC and Alex was worried about bears, I did go for a run in the woods and the only wildlife I saw were a couple of chipmunks!

  2. says: Jackie Kelly

    I have PTSD and so I’m overly careful wherever I go. Having one of these alarms would help me to stop getting too anxious.

  3. says: Anna Nicamhlaigh

    I think this is invaluable, I’d take it everywhere I go. Walking the dog in case of some other badass dogs, a night out on the town (I’m nervous about this, especially late nights), wild camping as like you said it could be a life saver. Shopping in the big cities in case I get mugged, incidents appear to be on the increase.

  4. says: champaklal lad

    Robocopp Grenade wearable security alarm. – take it shopping , people are mad round here, they follow you, have tag teams, hurling snippets of words and think they are clever, none of them are educated, they even look in houses, shout outside peoples houses, nutters, the alarm would be useful

  5. says: Heather Dangerfield

    I am a flight attendant so this would be a great travel tool, especially if I’m checking out a location by myself.

  6. says: Lynsie Lynn

    I would give it to my daughter now she’s out and about! Now she’s 16 she’s allowed to stay out a little longer (as long as I know where she is) and this would give me great peace of mind for when she’s walking home from work or a friends 🙂 I would also take it on our trip to New York next year 🙂

  7. says: Phyllis Ellett

    Will use it for day to day use, I work four jobs each day. Starting at 4 in the morning on my own and then again 11pm at night locking up on my own. I do feel un-safe sometimes.

  8. says: Laura Lynch

    I think I could really use one of those. It’s awesome how small it is. As long as I could dig for it in my bag in time to use it wisely, I think it would be quite useful.

  9. says: Rachel W

    This would give me so much more confidence as a traveller, don’t know why I haven’t thought about getting one before! Thanks!!

  10. says: Alli

    Cool product 🙂 I would probably accidentally set it off all the time, hehe! But I sure would feel safe with it on me when I’m traveling solo. Even at home walking in the evenings, why not!

    1. says: Heather Cole

      You do have to be quite firm to pull out the plug, so hopefully you wouldn’t do it be accident 🙂 If anyone does that, it would definitely be me too!!

  11. says: Jennifer B

    I moved to a more urban are with my almost 8 yr old ( dec 3) I actually think I would have him use it. It’s an excellent idea to attach these to responsible children’s coats or backpacks. You never know if it could prevent child abduction. If I win this, that’s what I’m going to do!!! Excellent review and post!

  12. says: Nic from Roaming Renegades

    This is actually something I think we could really make good use of. That story is a good reminder to time these things well! We have come down a fair few mountains in the dark but there’s not so many bears in the UK! still not ideal however and accidents do happen.

  13. says: Christina Palmer

    I go on long walks with my dog through remote wooded area’s and this would make me feel a lot safer especially as it gets dark so early at this time of year.

  14. says: Isabel O

    I would wear it when I next go on holiday, I always love going off on little walks in the local wilderness so it would be an added security blanket for me.

  15. says: Christa

    This would have been great for a trip I took to the Amazon jungle! I had to pee so badly in the middle of the night when we were camping that I woke my husband to come with me. Now it wouldn’t scare away a snake or spider but it would have made me feel a lot safer!

  16. says: Svet Dimitrov

    Haha, lovely article. My friend and I had been once scared by a light noise in the vicinity – oh, we had never run so supersonicly! To day, we are not sure if it was a bear or just a leaf. I guess we would never find out.


  17. says: Donna Kellogg

    My Daughter works at a night club and has to leave after 2am I would give this to her to have on her coat when walking to the car.

  18. says: Brian & Amanda

    I had never considered a security alarm when traveling. What a scary experience with the bear! We’d probably take this on any hiking experience.

  19. says: evankristine

    This is absolutely necessary! Even just on regular days, you just never know right? Like that bear that chased you 😀

  20. says: Marion Swinerd

    We frequently walk in the New Forest and, occasionally, further afield – all good places to get lost. Also our village does not believe in street lighting so perhaps, with this, my husband would not be so nervous about me walking about alone after dark.

    1. says: Heather Cole

      The only time I ever visited the New Forest I got lost! It would seem like a great place to use an alarm, if only for peace of mind. Good luck!

  21. says: Frank

    Yeah, we could use that here in South Africa to scare away the baboons. A guy on a wine estate told us that the best way to get baboons to respect your space is for a human male to urinate in front of the baboon, literally marking a line in the sand. Now I ask you: a baboon is going at me. Am I going to think fast enough to pull it out and pee in front of him? I have a hard enough time at the urinal when I’ve got another guy standing next to me. Somehow I don’t know if I could pull that off…
    All to say that I want that Robocopp Grenade. Besides anything, how damn badass would it be to tell people that you have a “Robocopp Grenade”? They have to change the look though because it looks a bit wimpy for anything called a “Grenade”.
    Frank (bbqboy)

    1. says: Frank

      Oh, and another thing. I hope they have some kind of attachment so you don’t lose the pin. Because people would get upset if you couldn’t turn that thing off.

    2. says: Heather Cole

      Sometimes its the things that look sweet and innocent that are the most deadly! 🙂 And I’m never going to look at a baboon in the same way again!!!!